
91 Responses to “About”

RSS Feed for clubpenguin cheats by fotis01™ Comments RSS Feed

Hello I am fotis01. In clubpenguin, you can usually find me in mammoth or iceland server. I always wear a black hooded sweatshirt, a backpack, a blue cap, an eyepach and the black shoes

canu add me to your bloggroll my site is pengdip.wordpress.com

uhhhh….where r u? i cannot c you if my life depended on it…

I added you to my blogroll on http://violinbeast.wordpress.com now add me to yours, thanks.



i can never find u so can u find me im usally at north pole in the town and coffee shop my penugin name is Wabble Diver so try to find me!!!!!

ok i think you forgot to say this about yourself “Hello I’m Fotis01
and I’m a famous penguin”And the rest that you can say.

How do you get you photo of your penguin on here?

is anyone here?

fire domdodomdomdomdomdomdomdomdomdomdomdomdomdom

fotis meet me in server iceland on october202007 at 6.38pst.starting at the pizza parlor


hey dude your website is aswome but how do you make a header?

how do u get the how many people are online on ur homepage

Would you please ad me to your blogroll? Thanks.


Please go to:


Please go!

I want the non member penguin!

ok ill comment my name my name is Hypersuper my email is ryancabuslay@hotmail.com

choose me plzplzplzplzplz

My name is greeny 27 and i was on your buddy list fot but one day you had deleted me next time i see you say yes and dont delete me from your list thanks Greeny 27

hi im pigpenguin99 and i think im on your buddys list
im a big fan fan of you like greeny 27 so please do not delete me
and one more thing can you tip the iceberg

No you cant

ok thanks anyway to who answered

im interested in this non-member penguin of yours that you are gonna give away to somebody so please can you consider letting me have the penguin please.
oh yeah and my email address is m_r.estell@btinternet.com

i am interested in this non member penguin that you keep on saying you will let somebody have so please can you consider letting me have it please.thanks.

Hi i saw you on the 20 dec on the server mammoth, but as soon as i entered your igloo you logged off. im a big fan of you and pigpenguins close friend if you send the non member penguin to me or pigpenguin we would be very grateful
Thanks from greeny 27 (pigpenguin aswell)
P.S my email is warrenag01@leedslearning.net

im getting annoyed about server frozen where most penguins claim to be “famous”. thats why server North Pole rocks when you just want to meet new friends and have fun!

hey fotis01 your so young well as old as I am!
but i thought you were going to be lik 15years old!!!
🙂 :O



sry i just discovered that they turned happy faces

hi fot
i didnt know u lived in greece and im a big fan of u.
every time u had a party i would try and get to it but most of the time your igloo was full.
you know that you said that you would quit or people wouldnt see you as much if you didnt get so many hits. well why quit, it must be so cool being you, having to avoid moderators and having a website and everything, so plz plz dont quit.
and you know that non member penguin, well if you decide who your gonna give it too or already have given it too plz plz think about givin it to me!
thanks pigpenguin99

Yeah, I didn’t know that you lived in greece

Si espanlo ?
Soy popiy87894
Feliz Navidad!

Si espanlo ?
Soy popiy87894
Feliz Navidad!

Im Rsnail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

please guys i wanna be a member of your site’s team!!! i am fotis and snow dobby’s buddy!!!! please answer me on my email apoelara1@hotmail.com


Hi plz can you go on the server mammoth and make friends with me at 7 pm cp time at the dock and by the way i want to make friends with snowdobby or fotis 01 (my favourite cheat finders) thanks greeny 27

P.S on wednesday
Thanks greeny 27

Sorry plz can i meet fotis 01 or snowdobby at 10 pm cp time
Thanks Greeny 27

i am fotis 01 buddy i only need to meet snowdobby
plz can snowdobby go on at 7 pm cp time today
thanks greeny 27

HI can snowdobby come on mammoth at 7 am cp time thanks greeny 27

p.s can you go on mammoth and it is today from greeny 27

could i please be on your blogroll? http://DPCPA.blogspot.com
It’s Me Doobie Pengu from the FOCPSW.

esu gt milas aglika!!!!!!!! den katalava mono esu 8a kaneis oti 8eleis!!!!

ellinas eisai kai esu!!!!

hi fotis
well cool new web page, its real cool!

Fotis it’s me arceus2468.I love your site!It’s amazing.Thanks for puttig mine and mattzo’s website on your blogroll!

-From Arceus
-Other Creator of http://arceus2468andmattzo72.wordpress.com/

hi fot
cool new website

hi fot
i havent been on your website much so i havent really heard the playlist that everybody was talking about on your website i think its really cool

hi fotis
plz can you add me to your blogroll my site is http://pigpenguin99.wordpress.com.
thanks /pigpenguin99

Hi Fot
remember that chat we had on mammoth well i was wondering if you could add me to your blogroll the sitee is about my viking warriors army so wanna join? Add me
the site is greeny27.wordpress.com
thanks your biggest fan Greeny 27

Fotis, how do you make sub-pages?

When youre creating a page choose a “Page parent” at the menu on the right

hi my name is kandy my friends cal me kan i love clubpenguin!! alstilaviesta bye

Go on my site plz plz plz plz please
greeny27.wordpress.com| greeny27.wordpress.com| greeny27.wordpress.com
greeny27.wordpress.com| greeny27.wordpress.com| greeny27.wordpress.com
greeny27.wordpress.com| greeny27.wordpress.com| greeny27.wordpress.com
greeny27.wordpress.com| greeny27.wordpress.com|greeny27.wordpress.com
greeny27.wordpress.com| greeny27.wordpress.com| greeny27.wordpress.com
greeny27.wordpress.com| greeny27.wordpress.com| greeny27.wordpress.com
greeny27.wordpress.com| greeny27.wordpress.com| greeny27.wordpress.com
greeny27.wordpress.com| greeny27.wordpress.com| greeny27.wordpress.com
Thanks greeny 27

Hiya fot
plz will u go on my brothers site: greeny27.wordpress.com
thanks pinkpengi!

hi fot
please please please can you add me to your blogroll ive added you so plz plz plz can you add me!!! my site is pigpenguin99.wordpress.com
please add me!

hi fotis
I just saw your new ‘about us in real life’ thing, and i really didnt know that your real name was fotis!
anyway. plz plz plz can you add me to your Blogroll, ive added you to my blogroll so plz can you add me to your blogroll!
my blog is pigpenguin99.wordpress.com
/pig (Pigpenguin99)

i was just wondering….whats it like to live in greece?

Fotis01: duh

hey fot
do you need to download wordpress to be able to get the maploco widgets and the sonific widgets?

wow even though im a 4 time beta tester im still not famous lol!
anywayz i still wouldn’t care because theres this 1 thing, why are most of the famous penguins members?????

hi fotis
plz plz can you add me to your blogroll because you added greeny 27 so plz can you add me. ive added you to my blogroll. plz my site is pigpenguin99.wordpress.com
plz pigpenguin99

oh yeah, and by the way, thanks for adding me to your famous penguins for january 2008 vid. i think its really cool
tell me if i get annoying with asking your for me to be on your blogroll and everyhting.

foti, pls me kaneis admin i editor ? kane comment sto site m !

do i need to get so many points on the quizes for prizes thing to be on your blogroll, or if i ask you will you add me, cuz i kept on asking you and youve not added me yet.

why r u not addin me to your blogroll?
is there something wrong with it or something?

thanks fotis for adding me to your blogroll
you and your team are well cool

Dude, your blog was born on my birthday!

Hey fotis01 I can never find you on club penguin so could yu try and find me I am usually in subzero server,so try and find me plz.

p.s. i am usually at the ice rink.

hi fotis,
you know on msn you said u would start a poll about who would be added to your team? yeah? well plz can you add pigpenguin99 (me) to it!!!???
BY THE WAY, DOES YOU AND SNOW DOBBY WANT TO BE AUTHORS ON MY SITE??? http://pigpenguin99.wordpress.com/
plz say yes!!!

hi fotis,
please can you send me an email when your going to start the poll for the 2 new authors on your site ( this one). my email address is: ace_essy@hotmail.co.uk

hey this is weamer please goto my site i have hardly had any pengs and i think its quite cool


Oh my golly oh my golly!!! MARCH 23 2007??? Oh my…that’s the exact date my grandpa died!!! Hmm…wierd…

Fotis: Sorry about your grantpa 😦 Also I discivered it is not March 23- it is March 21.

please can you add me to your contrubitors im very good at pc and laptop

plz add me se parakalw twra pou efige o shakan plz

Oh, well happy b-day to your blog anyway! And don’t worry about my grandpa, he was very old and his brother, parents, most aunts and uncles, and grandparents were in heaven too. So he was a little happy to…leave.

does anyone go on thid site any more?

Hey fotis, I was wondering if I could…be a author or contributor or admin or editor. It would be sooo cool! You could even pick what you want me to be! I would make lotd of post, not just a person who doesn’t post at all like greenzo2 or Jey009 or Syymenia or pukalicious! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!

err fot, you need to add greeny27 to this page.

please go to my website!!! it’s called: Pompie479’s cool blog! plz go plz go!! oh and im not sure how to make pictures so i need you to work on my website too! PS: Will one of them be on mammoth?

will you come to my party for more go to http://diesel28.wordpress.com

supercritic tetraodontidae characterizable hopkinsian nonchalky garlic pointwise overassert
Pagina personale: Lorenzo Roi

Foti you are 1 year older than me!!!

Please Delete This blog or i will have to ban you becuse you didn’t obay the rules i will give you 5 days.

Then Waddle On


Anybody that works on this website,I work here i am Changiso and I was wondering if I can be added in the About section and in the Blogroll or either 1 I dont care.

Waddle on,

Edit by Fotis01: Why don’t you do that yourself? 🙂

can i please be an author of this blog when u make a choice email me at cccouts@hotmail.com

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