New theme, pages removed and more updates

Posted on April 22, 2009. Filed under: Uncategorized |

Hello penguins,

as you have probably noticed I recently did many updates to the blog. The most important of them are:

  • New theme
  • Upcoming events widget
  • XD productions widget
  • CP underground forums widget
  • Catalog cheats widget (coming soon)
  • Online penguins widget presentation renewed
  • Archives widget presentation renewed
  • Many useless pages removed; maybe just for a few days or weeks, maybe forever

Also, my new music video “Just dance” was removed due to some copyright issues. I will try to have it back online ASAP 🙂

And last but not least, I and Niceplayer are thinking of turning to a self-host site, which means that it will have MANY new features! I will tell you more about this next week 😉



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