Hgimvfnu Is Back!

Posted on April 16, 2009. Filed under: Uncategorized |

Hello Penguins!Sorry for now posting all this time but i was fixing my site and now it is wonderful,go and see your self http://www.hgimvfnu.com !Here is the newspaper:

It looks like cp will be releasing some kind of gear! Perhaps a Mountain Catalog like they released for the other rooms! Also cadence will be adding some new tunes for the dance contest game for members. Here come the events:

Quest for golden puffle ends at the 7th of May.Is a new play coming? igloo catalog april New furniture!!!  new clothes may May’s clothing catalog!!! These are our news for today!!! Cya and…HAPPY EASTER!

CREDITS TO ME ( www.hgimvfnu.com ) And STELIOS2

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